From Head to Toe

Tranquility by the lake
Tranquility by the lake
Choose from the combination of a soothing head and neck massage with a foot reflexology massage or a relaxing full body massage with a foot reflexology massage. - approx. 80 min.
80 Min
€ 122,00
Foot Reflex Zone Massage
Foot Reflex Zone Massage
The targeted activation of pressure points on the foot releases blockages, harmonises the flow of energy throughout the organism and has a positive effect on all organs as well as the lymphatic and nervous systems. - approx. 50 min.
50 Min
€ 79,00
Ayurveda "3 in 1" massage
Ayurveda "3 in 1" massage
Ayurveda means as much as "the knowledge of long life". Soothing touches and warm oil lead to a deep relaxation. A great combination for head, stomach and back with final activation of the feet - approx. 105 min.
105 Min
€ 165,00
Combination of two Ayurvedic massages of your choice
Combination of two Ayurvedic massages of your choice
Choose between Mukabhyanga head and face massage, Koshta abdominal massage and Uphanasveda gentle back massage. - approx.50 min.
50 Min
€ 79,00
Lomi Lomi Nui from Hawaii
Lomi Lomi Nui from Hawaii
This traditional Hawaiian massage is part of the ancient Kahuna art of healing as practiced by shamanic healers. The oil massage involves the whole body and in addition to relaxation also serves to cleanse body, mind and soul. It takes a relaxed body for energy and vitality to flow. - approx. 120 min.
105 Min
€ 165,00
Lomi Lomi Nui from Hawaii
Lomi Lomi Nui from Hawaii
This traditional Hawaiian massage is part of the ancient Kahuna art of healing as practiced by shamanic healers. The oil massage involves the whole body and in addition to relaxation also serves to cleanse body, mind and soul. It takes a relaxed body for energy and vitality to flow. - approx. 80 min.
80 Min
€ 125,00